Alternative health therapy is often used instead of conventional treatment. New lines of treatment are seen to be combining mainstream medicine with alternative treatment when it comes to healing. The alternative therapies are known to provide certain types of services that aren't available within conventional medicine. When we talk of alternative therapies, they could include a whole lot of healing techniques like naturopathy, homeopathy, massages, faith healing, etc. It is the belief that these therapies will have some curative effect on the disease that leads to the use of therapies over conventional medicine.

Alternative health therapies can help you feel better and improve your quality of life and improve your general health to give you a sense of control. One feels calmer when pressure, stress, insomnia, nervousness and despair are reduced. They reduce some of the side effects which are normally noticed in the usual cancer treatments and also help in reducing some of the symptoms like poor appetite, tiredness, pain, sickness, diarrhea, constipation and breathlessness.

A combination of alternative health therapies and conventional medicine has been noticed to be very effective in masking pain, even when there is a serious condition. Cancer support groups, some hospitals and hospices provide this type of therapy as part of overall care for cancer, cancer treatments like chemotherapy, radiotherapy etc. Many people with cancer now use these therapies to help support themselves through cancer and its treatment. However, they should not be seen as an alternative to orthodox medicine, but as a valuable support that recognizes the emotional and spiritual aspects as well as the physical aspects.

There is an increase in the use of alternative health products, Americans use a lot of herbs and vitamins and spend about billion every year on alternative health products. Research by Tindle, Davis, Phillips, & Eisenberg in the year 2005 have revealed that on an average seventy two million Americans have switched over to alternative therapies. From these studies, there was also an indication of a figure of more than thirty four billion dollars each year that is spent on out of pocket expenses for all of these therapies based on information that was provided by Craig, Herman and Caspi a few years ago.

Nevertheless it is important to find out which particular alternative health therapies offer the most effective treatments for your needs, as well as discover which treatments you feel comfortable with. Individual therapies like massage, meditation, acupuncture, homeopathy, aromatherapy, hypnotherapy, reflexology and reiki are proved to be very helpful for some people in improving their life. It is always a good idea to consult your physician before considering any of the alternative therapies available, and it is important to double check that any additional treatment undertaken will not adversely affect any current treatment program you are on.

If you want to integrate treatments then have an open and honest discussion with your doctor and health care team. Find out where the treatment is available, at your clinic or hospital or then though the doctors own practice. Today doctors are more and more convinced that alternative therapy does have a place in the overall healing of a patient; this gives them the ability to maybe recommend alternative therapy practitioners. For many people these days, alternative therapies help to cope up with stress and anxiety and making them react to conventional medicines in a better manner.


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Michael Hehn is a specialist in healthcare. If you want more information about healthcare, visit healthcare info.

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